

southern california floral designer and educator

Mulberry & moss


5 Ways to Level Up in 2024


January 11, 2024

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Welcome to a year brimming with possibilities! As we step into 2024, it’s not just another year; it’s a canvas waiting for the brushstrokes of your creativity and the strategic strokes of your business acumen. In our latest podcast episode, “5 Ways to Level Up in 2023 – Part One: Social Media,” we embark on a journey to unlock the doors to success. This comprehensive guide is tailored for floral enthusiasts, creative entrepreneurs, and anyone ready to elevate their business game.

Setting the Stage: Reflecting on Progress

Before delving into the strategies that will shape your 2024, it’s essential to take a moment to reflect. As entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves caught in the perpetual pursuit of progress. Looking back at the previous year, identifying markers of growth, and celebrating achievements are critical steps in this reflection process. These may include witnessing an increase in wedding totals, assembling an exceptional team, or any other tangible signs of advancement.

Distinguishing between intentional, short-term goals and delightful surprises is part of this reflection. Some changes result from calculated strategies, while others unfold organically from having a clear, long-term vision for our businesses. This reinforces the importance of setting overarching goals that guide our actions and decisions.

The Essence of Clarity: Guiding Lights for the Journey

Clarity is the guiding light that illuminates the path to success. Having a clear vision of both short-term goals and long-term aspirations ensures that every decision aligns with your business’s overarching purpose. Whether your dream is to build a flourishing floral empire or lead a life of adventure, these short-term growth steps are integral to manifesting that vision.

The resonance between short-term and long-term goals is the heartbeat of a successful business. As entrepreneurs, our lives extend beyond the professional realm, and achieving harmony between personal aspirations and professional goals is a delicate but achievable balance.

5 Strategies to Propel Your Business in 2024

Let’s dive into the heart of the matter — the five strategies that will serve as the pillars of your business growth in 2024:

1. Focus on Engagement: Navigating the Social Media Landscape

In the era of digital dominance, social media engagement is a game-changer. The algorithm, especially on platforms like Instagram, is undergoing continuous evolution. The first strategy encourages a shift from the quantity-focused approach to a quality-centric one.

The days of feeling pressured to post every single day are behind us. According to recent insights, 2-3 well-thought-out posts per week are now deemed ideal. The focus is on meaningful engagement, encompassing likes, saves, shares, and even time spent watching a video.

To enhance engagement:

  • Prioritize value-rich content with a blend of visuals.
  • Incorporate hooks, rich captions, and B-roll in your video content.
  • Infuse your captions with calls to action.
  • Keep videos concise, ensuring they captivate attention from the get-go.

Authentic connection with your audience emerges as the linchpin of this strategy. Building credibility and authority in your niche hinges on creating content that resonates on a genuine level.

2. Conduct a Website Audit: Polish Your Online Presence With Updated Visuals and Language

Consider your website the digital storefront of your business. A website audit is akin to sprucing up your shop window, ensuring it showcases the best of what you have to offer.

Key considerations for a website audit include:

  • Simplicity, clarity, and conciseness in design.
  • Showcasing your portfolio effectively.
  • Directly addressing your ideal client.
  • Providing a clear path of action steps for your visitors.

Your website is often the first point of contact for potential clients, making its optimization a crucial element in your overall business strategy.

3. Grow Your Team: The Power of Strategic Delegation

A thriving business is a collaborative effort. The third strategy advocates for growing your team strategically. Recognize that you can’t do it all, nor should you. Outsource tasks that aren’t your strengths or don’t bring you joy.

Consider these steps in growing your team:

  • Outsource areas that aren’t the best use of your time.
  • Start with one freelancer or expand your existing team.
  • Cultivate a team culture aligned with your business vibe.
  • Focus on fostering efficiency, initiative, and a positive atmosphere.

Strategic delegation is not just about lightening your workload; it’s about building a collective force that propels your business forward.

4. Shedding Dead Weight: A Financial and Emotional Audit

As the tax season approaches, it’s the perfect time for a financial and emotional audit. Assess the areas of your business that may not be serving you financially or emotionally. This includes a numerical analysis of your business as well as a subjective evaluation of your energy investment.

Consider the following:

  • Rate your excitement about different aspects of your business on a scale of 1 to 10.
  • Identify tasks or areas that drain your energy without corresponding financial returns.
  • Distinguish between keeping things that fuel your passion and letting go of elements that no longer serve you.

This strategy aligns with continuous simplification, ensuring your business remains focused on what you enjoy, excel at, and what contributes to your financial success.

5. Re-center on Your Goals: Diversify, Streamline, and Create Space

The final strategy invites you to re-center on your goals, extending them all the way to your exit strategy. Explore ways to diversify your business by adding more income streams. Evaluate how you can streamline processes to free up time, allowing for a more balanced life.

Consider the following questions:

  • Can you diversify your business to create multiple income streams?
  • Is there room to streamline processes for increased efficiency?
  • How can you create more space for peace and joy in your everyday life?
  • Can you work less and earn more while aligning with your goals?

Allow these goals to inspire your choices and decisions throughout the year, weaving a narrative of growth and fulfillment.


With that, we wrap up this episode, but the journey doesn’t end here. The insights shared in “5 Ways to Level Up in 2023” are the foundation for a year of growth and success. Whether you’re a seasoned floral entrepreneur or a budding creative spirit, these strategies offer a roadmap to navigate the evolving landscape of business in 2024.

Stay tuned for more strategies to propel your business further. Let’s make 2024 a year that marks huge growth, bold moves, and exciting achievements that propel you towards your dream life!

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Welcome to my blog - where I'm serving up all the latest in weddings & design, plus (for all you solopreneurs out there) tips to grow your creative business. I'm all about sharing and keeping it real.

hey there! i'm sarah w.



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