Why I Chose It…
There are a few reasons why I ultimately chose Details Flowers Software as my go-to client management system.
When I was ready to invest in a legitimate software 6 years ago, I explored my options. Curate, Honeybook, etc… but Details was the one I ultimately fell in love with for several important reasons.
#1- Details’ template aesthetic is streamlined, clean and professional looking.
While I do love lots of customization options (which Details does not have) I have come to love the simplicity of their templates overtime and that when it comes to efficiency, the simpler the better.
#2- Details provided a helpful walk-through and training period where I had direct access to a company representative while I was learning the software.
#3- Details’ recipe builder made pricing extremely fast and easy.This is, by far, the most valuable feature of the software, and the biggest piece that separates the software from my self-made templates.
Other great features:
There are so many other great features that set Details apart from other similar programs, including troubleshooting, constant helpful tutorials, constant updates, quick-response customerservice, and established integrations with several different wholesale companies, further streamlining the ordering process. They even have an add-on SmartForms feature that integrates your web inquiry form with the event quote builder. And they are continuously adding new features to improve the customer experience.
Software Vs. Templates… What’s Better?
That’s a great question.
And truthfully, they each have their benefits. It really comes down to cost and how much you’re willing/able to invest in this current stage of your business.
Many of you who have purchased my Proposal Template have asked me, does it add up my item totals to auto-calculate the event total? (No- it doesn’t, because Canva doesn’t have a mathematical tool).
Likewise, many of you who have purchased my Pricing & Ordering Spreadsheet have asked, “Is there a way to turn this into a presentable proposal?” (And no- there isn’t really, because Google Sheets is not an aesthetic/visually-driven program. It is simply for mathematics and charting.
These two things combined are the main benefit that you get when you invest in a monthly software subscription like Details – it’s truly an all-in-one program that will maximize the efficiency of your quoting, sales, recipe and ordering process.
How Much Does It Cost?
The cost for a Details subscription is $150/month (which accumulates to $1800/year) or $1500/year (a $300 annual savings).
When Is The Right Time To Invest In A Software?
Preparing to make a substantial monthly or yearly investment in your business can be a tricky or sometimes even stressful decision, and timing is an important factor.
My best advice would be to try and recognize when you’ve reached a point where your current system is holding you back, or hindering you more than it’s helping you. For example, perhaps you’ve been using templates for a year or two, and you’ve come to find that while you have fully maximized your speed and confidence with using these tools, and you are still spending too much time on these tasks, to a point where it is taking time away from other more important goals. These are great indicators that a financial investment in streamlining your process would pay off – because it will help free up that time and space for growth.
If you are just starting a brand new business (a season where we often find ourselves having more excess of time) I recommend starting with templates (a cost-saving alternative) so that you can get a feel for certain processes- like recipes and proposal building- find your rhythm, and then later when you’ve become confident in these skills, and have more of a scarcity of time, then you can level up to a software.
For me, this was the most natural transition, and I found that once I did finally invest in the software, it was simply a more sophisticated version of what I was already doing with my self-made templates, so it wasn’t too overwhelming to learn the systems because they were already familiar to me.
Use my code: MULBERRY for $75 off your first two months with Details.
The beginning of a New Year is a great time to invest in improving your business process and systems. Although implementing new systems brings challenges, it is necessary to ensure that you can continue growing and evolving your business with each new year, as you continue to climb towards your biggest business goals.
If you have any questions about Details, please feel free to shoot me a reply. I’d love to help!
Keep crushing it!
Happy Holidays,
Sarah W.
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